سه شنبه، 26 تیر 1403 تماس با ما نقشه سایت صفحه اصلی English

محمد حسین صداقی
مرتبه علمی :استاد
تخصص : Professor of Signal/image processing
زمینه های تحقیقاتی : DSP, DIP, Morphological filtering, Pattern recognition, Data hiding, Iris recognition, Face detection, Emotional speech recognition, ATR
مراکز تحقیقاتی :AIIA

پست الکترونیکی: sedaaghi@sut.ac.ir
شماره تلفن: 04133459370
شماره فکس: 04133444322

Mohammad Hossein Sedaaghi,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran
Tel.:  (+98 41) 33459370,  Fax: (+98 41) 33224950
E-mails:  sedaaghi@{sut.ac.ir,yahoo.com}

Original resume:



 Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details

Text Box: Name: 	Mohammad Hossein Sedaaghi 
Sex: 	Male 
Marital status: 	Married 
Date of birth: 	07/06/1961 
Place of birth: 	Tehran, Iran 
Nationality: 	Iranian

Professional experience

Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran Tel.: (+98 41) 33459370 Fax: (+98 41) 33224950 Mobile: (+98 914) 4149544 E-mails: sedaaghi@yahoo.com, sedaaghi@sut.ac.ir



Date: [Oct. 1994 -Aug. 1998] Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics,

University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK Thesis title: Morphological filtering in signal/image processing Supervisor: ProfessorQ.H.Wu


Date: [1986-1987] Address: Department of Electrical Engineering,

Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Field: Electronics Engineering Thesistitle: Plan-PositionIndicator(PPI) foron-shoreradar GPA: 16.76/20(first class)

Text Box: BSc(Eng) 
Date: 	[1982-1986] 
Address: 	Department of Electrical Engineering, 
	Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 
Field: 	Communications Engineering 
GPA: 	16.32 /20 (first class)


Date: [1975-1979]

Address: Safa High school, Tabriz, Iran

Field: Physics and mathematics

GPA: 19.34/20(first class)

Research interests

Morphological filtering, ECG waves (pre) processing, nonlinear filters, digital signal processing, image processing,M-Dsignalprocessing,geneticalgorithms,waveletsandfilterbanks,NeuralNetworks,TMS320­based C and assembly design, pattern recognition, software package development in matlab and hardware realization.

Research projects

1.      M. H. Sedaaghi, “Seven confidential research projects”, to be announced upon request.

2.      H. Hakimzadeh, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Study and investigation of the software program on stability, loading and unloading of ballast water tank and load on semi-submersible Amir Kabir Rig Platform together with presenting applicable and optimization methods”, Sahand Univ. of Tech., Sponsored by Research & Development of NIOC, Tehran, Iran, 2012.

3.      A.Pilevar,M.H.Sedaaghi, “SahandAccentedSpeech(SAS)”,SahandUniv. ofTech.,2009, ”http://ee.sut.ac.ir/info/SAS.pdf”.

4.      M.H.Sedaaghi, “SahandEmotionalSpeech(SES)”,SahandUniv. ofTech.,2007, ”http://ee.sut.ac.ir/info/SES.pdf”.

5.      M.H. Sedaaghi, A Tabatabaeinejad, “Development of reservoir simulation software”, Sahand Univ. of Tech., Sponsored by Research & Development of NIOC, Tehran, Iran, 2006.

6.      M. Shamsi, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Segmentation of MS Lesions in MRI Images”, Sahand Univ. of Tech., 2001.

7.      M.H.Sedaaghi, “Apackageforgeneticalgorithmsusing visualC++”,SahandUniv. ofTech.,1999.

8.      M. H. Sedaaghi, “Sahand general database”, Sahand Univ. of Tech., 1993.


Teaching experiences

Signals& systems,DSP,DIP,ADSP,statisticalpatternrecognition,genetic algorithms,featureextraction, deep learning.

Employments and professional experiences

1                 [1998-present], Reviewer for: Electronics Letters, IET, IEEE.

2                 [1999-present], Member of academic staff and lecturer, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran.

3                 [1994-1998], Demonstrator, Department of Electrical Engineeringand Electronics, University of Liv­erpool, Liverpool, UK.

4                 [1991-1994], Headof computer center, PC division and designer of the general-purpose data-base of the university, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran.

5                 [1991-1994], Member of academic staff and lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran.

6                 [1989-1991], Member of academic staff, lecturer and establisher of microcomputer laboratory, De­partment of Electrical Engineering Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

7                 [1987-1991], Technicalmanager(design ofZ80-based controllers), Fajr-e-RizpardazCo. Ltd.,Tehran, Iran.

8                 [1987-1988], Researchassistant, Department of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technol­ogy, Tehran, Iran.

9                 [1986-1987], Teachingassistant, Department of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technol­ogy, Tehran, Iran.


Other technical experiences and skills

1. Digitaldesign: Design ofPPI(Plan-PositionIndicator) for on-shore radar, azimuth resolution=0.2,


1                 Software and packages: Familiar with most of software and packages in the field, for PC and unix (MATLAB, Labview, Visual Studio, Modelsim.

2                 Programminglanguages:C,C++,Python(pycharm,pytorch,tensor flow,keras, ...),ASSEMBLY (Z80, 8086, 6809E, 68000), TMS320 family, PASCAL, FORTRAN, BASIC.

3                 Hardware: FPGA design, Microprocessor-based controllers for factories with different CPUs and micro controllers.

4                 Logic circuit design with TTL and CMOS ICs.



                  Scholarship by Sahand University of Technology for PhD period.

                  ORS(TheOverseasResearchStudentsAwardsScheme) by committee of vice-chancellors andprin­ciples of the universities of the United Kingdom.

                  Top researcher in EA

                  Owner of best prize from NIOC for Study and investigation of the software program on stability, loading and unloading ofbalancing reservoirs andload on semi-submersibleAmirKabirRigPlatform together with presenting applicable and optimization methods


Supervised PhD theses (in Persian)

1. E. Kogani, “Detection of radar signals’ modulation from received pulses of targets employing deep neural networks”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2022-.

2. H.Akbarian, “AcousticrecognitionOf surfacefloating targetsusingdeep learning”, Supervisor(s):

M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2021-.

3. A.Kouhi, “A newpredictorforreversibledatahiding based onprediction-errorexpansion”, Super­visor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2015-2021.

4. Z.Bounik, “Soft-TissueModelingforSurgicalSimulatorsintheData-DrivenApproaches”, Supervi­sor(s): M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2016-2021.

5. M. J. Amoshahi Foroushani, “Segmentation of human brain MRI images using improved particle swarm optimization based methods”, Supervisor(s): M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2015-2019.

6. M. Bagheri, “Radar pulses deinterleaving based on clustering output”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2015-2018.

7. H. Khodabakhshi, “Digital image denoising using PDE-based diffusion processes”, Supervisor(s):

M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2011-2018.

8. F. Golabi, “Prediction of gene regulatory regions using signal processing”, Supervisor(s): M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2011-2020.

9. M. Farhid, “Design of adaptive networks based on distributed processing”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2010-2017.

10. S.Karimi, “Featureextractionand selectionforemotionrecognitioninspeech”, Supervisor(s): M.


H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2008-2014.

Supervised MSc theses (in Persian)

1. F. Ahmadi, “Diagnosis of brain tumors in medical images using fuzzy and genetic methods ”, Su­pervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2021-.

2. Y. Sadeghzadeh, “Feature extraction and classification of brain disease mri images using pretrained CNN network and machine learning ”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2021-.

3. A.Alamatsaz, “Segmentation& extractionofbrainwhitematterfromMRIimagesusingdeeplearn­ing”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, M. Shamsi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2020-2022.

4. K. Hashemi, “Increasing the Capacity of LSB-based image steganography”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2020-2021.

5. Z. Tazikeh, “Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using Machine Learning”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2020-2021.

6. A.Abdolalipour,“ClassificationofheartbeattypesinECG signals”, Supervisor(s): M.H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2019-2021.

7. R.Youzbashi, “Controlling entryintosecurity centersbased onspeech recognition”, Supervisor(s):

M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2018-2019.

8. F. Jabbari, “Application of non-linear filters in distributed processing over wireless sensor”, Super­visor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2016-2018.

9. H.Mehmandoust, “Improving noiseremoval methodsinspeech”, Supervisor(s): M.H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2016-2018.

10. A.H.Monazzah, “SegmentationandEnumerating of minusculeparticlesinlow-resolution”, Super­visor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2016-2018.

11. M. Pishvaei, “Data hiding over The network using matlab”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2015-2016.

12. H.Ahmadi, “Thestudy ofdatahiding capacity inH.264/AVC videocompressionstandard”, Super­visor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2014-2016.

13. S. Vaali, “MP4 compression capabilities for data hiding”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2014-2016.

14. S. Yazdani, “Detection and extraction of biosignals by identification of signal behavior”, Super­visor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, M. R. Azghani, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2014-2016.

15. S Kalantari, “Development of an intelligent algorithm to detect driver sleepiness”, Supervisor(s):

M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2014­2016.

16. S.M.Mousavi, “Experimentalstudy ofvortexinducedvibrations(VIVs) ofmarinepipelinesnear a rigid bed in wave”, Supervisor(s): A. R. Mostafa Gharabaghi, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Civil Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2013-2014.

17. A. Bozorghi, “Investigation on equilibrium and stability of the Amirkabir semi-submersible oil rig”, Supervisor(s): H. Hakimzadeh, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Civil Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2013-2015.

18. P.Akhoundzadeh,“Palmprint recognitionusingdirectionalfeatures”, Supervisor(s): H.Ebrahim-Nezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2013-2014.

19. E. Alaee, “Facial feature extraction based on orthogonal color images for facial surgery analysis”, Supervisor(s): M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2013-2014.

20. M. Fadaee, “Medical image denoising using optimal algorithms”, Supervisor(s): M. Shamsi, M.

H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2013-2014.

21. H. Saberkari, “Identification of protein coding regions in DNA sequences using signal processing algorithms”, Supervisor(s): M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2012-2013.

22. M. Joroughi, “Classification of DNA microarray data using Neural Networks”, Supervisor(s): M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2012-2013.

23. N. M. Bakhshayesh, “Genomic data analysis using hidden Markov models”, Supervisor(s): M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2012-2013.

24. A.JoudiAlvandi, “Datahiding overmp3 audiousing waveletsinvisualC++”, Supervisor(s): M.

H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2012-2013.

25. A.M.MolaeiKermani, “Digital watermarkingfor3D mesh models”, Supervisor(s): H. Ebrahim­nezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2012-2013.

26. H. Nosrati, “Distributed adaptive analysis of Gaussian space-time sources in wireless sensor net­works”, Supervisor(s): M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand Univer­sity of Technology, 2012-2013.

27. P. Ghaderyan, “Seizure prediction using EEG signal processing and SVM algorithm”, Supervi­sor(s): A. Abbasi, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2012-2013.

28. R. Ali Zamani, “Dental radiography images registration”, Supervisor(s): S. Daneshvar, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2011-2013.

29. A. Gholipour, “Accent classification in Persian language”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, M. Shamsi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2011-2012.

30. H. Mirzaei, “Automatic facial feature extraction and facial surgery analyzing”, Supervisor(s): M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2010-2011.

31. M.Baradaran, “Clusteringbased abnormal eventdetectionfromsurveillancevideo”, Supervisor(s):

M. H. Sedaaghi, Consultant(s): H. Ebrahimnezhad, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2010-2011.

32. D. Farrokhi, “Image mosaicing by feature based method”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Con­sultant(s): A. Ebrahimi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2010-2011.

33. S.Gharebaghi, “Retinalimageregistrationusinggeometricalfeatures”, Supervisor(s): S.Danesh­var, M. H. Sedaaghi, Consultant(s): H. Ebrahimnezhad, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand Univer­sity of Technology, 2010-2011.

34. A. Mohammadi, “Robust digital watermarking based on histogram modification of image ”, Super­visor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Consultant(s): H. Ebrahimnezhad, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2009-2011.

35. Z. Gholizadeh, “Fragile watermarking on digital images ”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Con­sultant(s): H. Ebrahimnezhad,Dept. ofElectricalEng.,SahandUniversity ofTechnology,2009-2010.

36. M. Ebrahimi, “Color images watermarking by using wavelet ”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Consultant(s): H. Ebrahimnezhad, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2009­2010.

37. E. Keramatizadeh, “Speaker change detection in speech”, Supervisor(s): H. Ebrahimnezhad,

M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2009-2010.

38. H. Soleymani, “Car detection in scene”, Supervisor(s): H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2009-2010.

39. M. Emambakhsh, “Region-based segmentation using statistical features of color texture & shape”, Supervisor(s): H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi,Dept. ofElectricalEng.,SahandUniver­sity of Technology, 2008-2009.

40. R. Kheirollahy, “Pupil detection for iris recognition”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, H. Ebrahimnezhad, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2008-2009.

41. P. Shavandy, “Fighter aircraft tracking in video frames using segmentation of optical flow field”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2008-2009.

42. F. Hourali, “Face detection against pictures & other objects in video frames”, Supervisor(s): M.

H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2008-2009.

43. N. Rabbani Najaf-Abadi, “Speaker identification using speech signal”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, A. Ebrahimi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2006-2007.

44. J.AsadiSaghandi, “Prediction of Pb & Bob propertiesofIraniancrudeoils usingartificial neural net­work”, Supervisor(s): A. R. Tabatabaeinejad & M. H. Sedaaghi, Consultant(s): A. Naseri, Dept. of Chemical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2005-2006.

45. A.R.Dastkhosh, “Tapered microstrip filteroptimizationusinggeneticalgorithm”, Supervisor(s):

M. H. Sedaaghi, G. Dadashzadeh, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2005-2006.

46. M. Fallahpour, “Data hiding”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, E. Najafi Aghdam, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2004-2006.

47. S. Yousefi, “Applications of morphological operators in digital image analysis & watermarking”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2004-2005.

48. H.Shakiba,“ImplementingV.32bitsmodemprotocol overDSP”, Supervisor(s): M.H. Sedaaghi,

M. Sheikhan, Consultant(s): R. Safavi Naeini,Dept. ofElectricalEng.,SahandUniversity ofTech­nology, 2004-2005.

49. E. Khodapanah, “Modeling of wax precipitation for live oils using solid solution theory & equation of state”, Supervisor(s): A. R. Tabatabaeinejad, Consultant(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Dept. of Chemical Eng., Sahand University of Technology, 2003-2004.

50. M. Khosravi, “Preprocessing of ECG signals using morphological filters”, Supervisor(s): M. H. Sedaaghi, Consultant(s): M. H. Ghasemian Yazdi, Dept. of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University, 2003-2004.



1. (in Persian)M. H. Sedaaghi, “DSP with simulation of analytical propositions and applied examples in Matlab”, Sahand University of Technology, 2012.

Book chapters


1.      H. Nosrati, S. M. Taheri, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Distributed adaptive parametric power spectral estimation using wireless sensor networks”, Technological Breakthroughs in Modern Wireless Sensor Applications, IGI Global, Chapter 13, pp. 321-351, 2015.

2.      M.H.Sedaaghi, “GenderClassificationinEmotionalSpeech”, SpeechRecognition: Technologies and Applications, Eds. France Miheli˘c and Janez Z˘ibert, I-Tech, Vienna, Austria, , Chapter 20, pp. 363-376 November 2008.


Journal publications

1.      A. M. Taheri, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Prediction of the critical temperature of super-conducting materials using image regression and ensemble deep learning”, Materials Today Com­munications, vol. 33, 104743, ISSN 2352-4928, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2022.104743, Nov. 2022,

2.      A. Kouhi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Reversible data hiding based on high fidelity prediction scheme for reducing the number of invalid modifications”, Information Sciences, vol. 589, pp. 46-61, ISSN 0020-0255, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2021.12.092, Apr. 2022.

3.      A.Kouhi,M.H.Sedaaghi, “Predictionerrordistributionwithdynamicasymmetryforreversibledata hiding”,Expert Systems WithApplications, vol. 184,pp. 115475,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2021.1 Jun. 2021.

4.      H. Rezaei, R. Mahboobi Esfanjani, A. Akbari, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Scalable event-triggered distributed extended Kalman filter for nonlinear systems subject to randomly delayed and lost measurements”, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 111, pp. 102957, doi: 10.1016/j.dsp.2020.102957, Apr. 2021.

5.      H. Rezaei, R. Mahboobi Esfanjani, A. Akbari, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Event-triggered distributed Kalman filter with consensus on estimation for state-saturated systems”, International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control, vol. 30, no. 18, pp. 8327-8339, doi: 10.1002/rnc.5241, Dec. 2020.

6.      (inPersian)Z.Bounik,M.Shamsi,M.H.Sedaaghi, “Real-timeinteractivehigh resolutionsofttissue modeling in a data-driven enrichment approach”, Journal of Nonlinear Systems in Electrical Engineering, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 149-162, Sep. 2020.

7.      F.Golabi,E.MehdizadehAghdam,M.Shamsi,M.H.Sedaaghi,A.Barzegar,M.S.Hejazi, “Classifi­cation of seed membersof fiveriboswitchfamilies as short sequencesbased onthefeaturesextraction byBlockLocationBasedFeatureExtraction(BLBFE) method”, Bioimpacts, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 101-109, doi: 10.34172/bi.2021.17, Mar. 2021.

8.      Z. Bounik, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Accurate coarse soft tissue modeling using FEM-based fine simulation”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 79, no. 11-12, pp. 71217143, doi: 0.1007/s11042-019-08532-x, Mar. 2020.

9.      F. Golabi, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, A. Barzegar, M. S. Hejazi, “ Development of a new oligonu­cleotideblocklocation-basedfeature extraction(BLBFE) methodfor classification of riboswitches”, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, vol. 295, no. 2, pp. 525-534, doi: 10.15171/apb.2020.012, Jan. 2020.

10.   F. Golabi, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, A. Barzegar, M. S. Hejazi, “ Classification of riboswitch fam­ilies using blocklocation-basedfeature extraction(BLBFE) method”, Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 97-105, doi:10.15171/apb.2020.012, Jan. 2020.

11.   (in Persian) M. J. Amoshahy, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “An improved particle swarm optimizer based on a novel class of fast and efficient learning factors strategies”, Journal of Nonlinear Systems in Electrical Engineering, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 4-33, 2019.

12.   N.Mostaghim,M.Shamsi,M.H.Sedaaghi,H.Ebrahimnezhad, “Alignmentof noncoding ribonucleic acids withpseudoknots using context-sensitivehiddenMarkov model”, Journal ofMedical Signals and Sensors, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 252-258, doi: 10.4103/jmss.JMSS 11 19, Oct. 2019.

13.   F.Jabbari,M.H.Sedaaghi, “Adaptivemultilevel techniquebased onhistogramshiftingforreversible datahiding”, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing ,vol. 30, no. 3,pp. 15631581, doi: 10.1007/s11045-018-0617-x, issn: 1573-0824, Jul. 2019.

14.   M.Bagheri,M.H.Sedaaghi, “A newmethodfordetectingjitteredPRIinhistogram-based methods”, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences , vol. 26, pp. 1214-1224, doi:10.3906/elk-1710-169, 2018.

15.   F Golabi, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, A. Barzegar, M. S. Hejazi, “Development of a new sequential block finding strategy for detection of conserved sequences in riboswitches”, BioImpacts , vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 13-22, 2018.

16.   M. Bagheri, M. H. Sedaaghi, “A new approach to pulse deinterleaving based on adaptive thresh­olding”, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences , vol. 25, pp. 3827-3838, doi:10.3906/elk-1606-415, 2017.

17.   M. Farhid, M. H. Sedaaghi, M. Shamsi, “Distributed incremental least-mean square for parameter estimation using heterogeneous adaptive networks in unreliable measurements,” Journal of AI & data Mining, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 285-291, 2017.

18.   S. Yazdani, M. R. Azghani, M. H. Sedaaghi, “A new algorithm for ECG interference removal from single channel EMG recording,” Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine, vol. 40, pp. 575-584, 2017.

19.   H. Saberkari, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Estimation of protein-coding regions in numerical DNA sequences using Variable Length Window method based on 3-D Z-curve,” Signal and Data Pro­cessing, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 63-77, 2017.

20.   H.Khodabakhshi,M.H.Sedaaghi,S.Saryazdi, “Anadaptivediffusioncoefficientselectionforimage denoising”, Digital Signal Processing, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsp.2017.02.004, vol. 64, no 4, pp. 71-82, May 2017.

21.   M. Farhid, M. H. Sedaaghi, M. Shamsi, “Distributed estimation over complex adaptive networks with noisy links,” Journal of Smart Structures and Systems, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 383-391, 2017.

22. A. M. Molaei Kermani, M. H. Sedaaghi, H. Ebrahimnezhad, “Steganography scheme based on Reed-Muller code with improving payload and ability to retrieval of destroyed data for digital images”, Amirkabir International Journal of Science & Research Electrical and Electronics En-gineering(AIJ-EEE), vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 61-70, 2017.

23.      M. J. Amoshahy, M. Shamsi, , M. H. Sedaaghi “A Novel Flexible Inertia Weight Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,” Journal of PLOS ONE, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161558, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 61-70, Aug. 2016.

24.      (in Persian) M. Farhid, M. Shamsi,M. H. Sedaaghi, “Impact of complex networks’ topology in dis­tributed adaptive estimation based on diffusion cooperation”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, The University of Tabriz, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 207-216, 2016.

25.      H.Khodabakhshi,M.H.Sedaaghi,S.Saryazdi, “EfficientDiffusionCoefficientforImageDenoising”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2016.06.005, vol. 72, no 4, pp. 893-903, Aug. 2016.

26.      A. M. Molaei Kermani, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Robust and Blind 3D Mesh Water­marking in Spatial Domain Based on Faces Categorization and Sorting”, 3D Research, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s13319-016-0088-5, ISSN: 2092-6731, vol. 7, no. 11, Apr. 2016.

27.      S.Karimi,M.H.Sedaaghi, “Howtocategorizeemotional speech signalswith respecttothespeaker’s degree of emotional intensity”, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sci­ences , DOI: 10.3906/elk-1312-196, vol. 24, pp. 1306-1324, Mar. 2016.

28.      M. Fadaaie, M. Shamsi, H. Saberkari, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Computed tomography images de-noising using a novel two stage algorithm,” Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 220-229, Oct. 2015.

29.      H. Saberkari, S. Bahrami, M. Shamsi, M. J. Amoshahy, H. Badri Ghavifekr, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Fully automated cDNA microarray segmentation using a novel fuzzy-based algorithm,” Journal of Med­ical Signals and Sensors, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 182-191, Jul. 2015.

30.      H. Nosrati, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, S. M. Taheri, “Adaptive networks under non-stationary conditions: formulation, performance analysis and application,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 16, pp. 4300-4314, Aug. 2015.

31.      M. J. Emamgholizadeh, A. R. Mostafa Gharabaghi, K. Abedi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Experimental study on the effect of splitter plate´s angle on the scouring under submarine pipeline due to steady current and clear water condition”, International Journal of Engineering, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 365-374, Mar. 2015.

32.   F. Hourali, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Robust and real time face tracking using particle filter based on prob­ablistic face model,” International Journal of Research in Computer Applications and Robotics, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 71-78, 2015.

33.   H.Saberkari,M.Shamsi,F.Golabi,M.J.Amoshahy,M.H.Sedaaghi, “Performancestudy of cancer selection/classification algorithms based on microarray data,” Applied Medical Informatics, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 1-10, Dec. 2014.

34.   M. Farhid, M. H. Sedaaghi, M. Shamsi, “On the effect of low-quality node observation on learning over incremental adaptive networks,” Journal of Communication Engineering, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 95-108 , Dec. 2014.

35.   H.Saberkari,M.Shamsi,M.Joroughi,F.Golabi,M.H.Sedaaghi, “Cancerclassificationinmicroarray data using ahybrid selectiveindependent component analysis(SICA) and ν-support vector machine (ν-SVM) algorithm,” Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 291-299, Dec. 2014.

36.   H.Rezaei,R.MahboobiEsfanjani,M.H.Sedaaghi, “Improved robustfinite-horizonKalmanfiltering for uncertain networked time-varying systems ”, Information Sciences vol. 293,pp. 263-274,2015.

37.   (in Persian)M. Joroughi, M. Shamsi, H. Saberkari, M. H. Sedaaghi, A. Momennezhad, “Gene selec­tion and cancer classificationbased on microarraydata using combinedBPSO andBLDA algorithm,” Journal of Computational Intelligence in Electrical Engineering, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 29-46, Sep. 2014.

38.   P.Ghaderyan,A.Abbasi,M.H.Sedaaghi, “Anefficientseizurepredictionmethod using KNN-based undersampling and linear frequency measures,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 232, pp. 134-142, Jul. 2014.

39.   H. Saberkari, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “A hybrid anti-notch/Goertzel algorithm for gene predic­tion in DNA sequences,” Applied Medical Informatics, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 13-22, Jun. 2014.

40.   H. Rezaei, R. Mahboobi Esfanjani, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Improved Kalman filtering for systems with randomly delayed and lost measurements”, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, DOI: 10.1007/s00034-014-9740-6, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 2217-2236, Feb. 2014.

41.   (in Persian) A. M. Molaei Kermani, M. H. Sedaaghi, H. Ebrahimnezhad, “A blind steganography based on Reed-Solomon codes and optimal substitution table with improving payload and robust­ness”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, University of Tabriz, vol.43, no.2, pp. 43-59, 2013.

42.   A. M. Molaei, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, “A blind fragile watermarking method for 3D models based on geometric properties of triangles”, 3D Research, Springer, ISSN: 2092-6731, DOI: 10.1007/3DRes.04(2013)4, vol. 4, no. 4, Oct. 2013.

43.   (in Persian) H. Nosrati, M. Shamsi, M. Farhid, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Distributed adaptive estimation strategies in wireless sensor networks”, Journal of Nonlinear Systems in Electrical Engineer­ing, ISSN: 2322-3146, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 62-81, 2013.

44.   H. Saberkari, M. Shamsi, H. Heravi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “A fast algorithm for exonic regions prediction in DNA sequences”, Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 139-149, Sep. 2013.

45.   H. Saberkari, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “A punctual algorithm for small gene prediction in DNA sequences using a time-frequency approach based on the Z-Curve”, GSTF International Journal of Engineering Technology, vol. 2, no. 1, May 2013.

46.   H. Saberkari, M. Shamsi, H. Heravi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “A novel fast algorithm for gene prediction in Eukaryoticgenesusinglinearpredictive coding model andGoertzel algorithmbased ontheZ-curve”, International Journal of Computer Applications,ISSN:0975-8887, vol. 67, no. 17,pp. 25-38, Apr. 2013.

47.   S. Karimi, M. H. Sedaaghi “Robust emotional speech classification in the presence of babble noise”, International Journal of Speech Technology, Springer, ISSN 1381-2416, DOI 10.1007/s10772­012-9176-y, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 215-227, Oct. 2012.

48.   S. Gharebaghi, S. Daneshvar, M. H. Sedaaghi “Retinal Image Registration Using Geometrical Fea­tures”, Journal of Digital Imaging, DOI: 10.1007/s10278-012-9501-7, ISSN: 0897-1889, Vol. 25, Jun. 2012.

49.   G. Moradi, M. Shamsi,M. H. Sedaaghi,M. R. Alsharif, “Pomegranate MR image analysis using fuzzy clustering algorithms”, International Commision of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer-ing(CIGR), vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1-12, 2012.

50.   G. Moradi, M. Shamsi,M. H. Sedaaghi, S. Moradi, “Using statistical histogram based EM algorithm for appledefectdetection”, American Journal ofSignalProcessing,DOI:10.5923/j.ajsp.20120202.02, p-ISSN: 2165-9354, e-ISSN: 2165-9362, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 10-14, 2012.

51.   M. Emambakhsh, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Integrated region-based segmentation us­ing color components & texture features with prior shape knowledge”, International Journal of AppliedMathematicsandComputer Science(AMCS), vol. 20, no. 4, 2010.

52.   A.R.Dastkhosh,G.Dadashzadeh&M.H.Sedaaghi,“NewDesignMethod ofUWBMicrostripFilters Using Adaptive Genetic Algorithms with Defected Ground Structures”, International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology, Article ID: 671515, doi: 10.1155/2010/671515, 2010.

53.   M. H. Sedaaghi, “A comparative study of gender and age classification in speech signals”, Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-12, March 2009.

54.   M. Fallahpour and M. H. Sedaaghi, “High capacity lossless data hiding based on histogram modifi­cation”, IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 205-210, June 2007.

55.   M.H.Sedaaghi andS.Yousefi, “Morphological watermarking”, Electronics Letters, vol. 41, no.10, pp. 587-589, May 2005.

56.   M. H. Sedaaghi, “Morphological operators”, Electronics Letters, vol. 38, no. 22, pp. 1333-1335, Oct. 2002.

57.   M.H.Sedaaghi, “ECG wavedetectionusing morphologicalfilters”, Springer-Verlag,AppliedSignal Processing, special issue on biomedical engineering, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 182-194, 1998.

58.   M.H.Sedaaghi andQ.H.Wu, “Weightedmorphologicalfilter”, Electronics Letters, vol. 34, no. 16, pp. 1566-1567, Aug. 1998.

59.   M. H. Sedaaghi and Q. H. Wu, “Real-time implementation of grey-scale morphological operators”, Electronics Letters, vol.33, no. 21, pp. 1761-1763, Oct. 1997.

60.   M. H. Sedaaghi, “Direct implementation of open-closing in morphological filtering ”, Electronics Letters, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 198-199, Jan. 1997.


Conference publications

1.      (in Persian)S. M. Pishvaei, M. H. Sedaaghi, “A new Media for sending and receiving images using matlab,” 3rd National Conference on AVIONIC), Shahid Sattari University of Aeronautical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, May 2017.

2.      (inPersian)S.M.Pishvaei,M.H.Sedaaghi,“Datahiding overnetwork using matlab,” 3rdNational Conference on AVIONIC), Shahid Sattari University of Aeronautical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, May 2017.

3.      M.Farhid,M.Shamsi,M.H.Sedaaghi,F.Alsharif,B.Senzio-Savino,M.R.Alsharif, “Ontheeffect of informed nodes on learning over complex adaptive networks,” The 31st International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2016), Okinawa, Japan, 10-13 Jul., 2016.

4.      (in Persian) H. Ahmadi, M. H. Sedaaghi, S. Daneshvar, “A novel data hiding algorithm based on inter-frame prediction mode in H.264 encoded video sequences,” The 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE 2016), Shiraz, Iran, May 2016.

5.      (inPersian)M.Farhid,M.Shamsi,M.H.Sedaaghi,“Ontheeffectoffailurenodeoverheterogeneous adaptive networks based on incremental LMS algorithm,” 1st International Conference in New Research on Electrical and Computer Science, Tehran, Iran, Sep. 2015.

6.      (in Persian) M. Farhid, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “ Distributed adaptive estimation with se­lective cooperation over complex networks with noisy links,” 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Computer Science and Information Technology, Tehran, Iran, Aug. 2015.

7.      S. M. Mousavi, A.R. Mostafa Gharabaghi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Experimental study of the effect of gap ratio on the vortex induced vibration of two-degree-of-freedom pipe due to waves,” 10th Interna­tional Congress on Civil Engineering, Tabriz, Iran, 5-7 May, 2015.

8.      M. Farhid, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “ Robust distributed incremental LMS for parameter esti­mation using heterogeneous adaptive networks,” 7th International conference on information and Knowledge Technology(IKT2015), Urmia, 26-28 May, 2015.

9.      (in Persian) H. Ahmadi, S. Vaali, M. H. Sedaaghi, “ New data hiding algorithm based on pixel valuedifference,” 7th International conference on information and Knowledge Technology, Urmia, 26-28 May, 2015.

10.   A.Bozorgi,H.Hakimzadeh,M.H.Sedaaghi,H.GhazviniR.Hassankhani, “Study of equilibriumand stability of semi-submersible rigs in damage condition,” 6th International Offshore Industries Conference, Tehran, May 4-5, 2015.

11.   A. Bozorgi, H. Hakimzadeh, M. H. Sedaaghi, H. Ghazvini, “Numerical investigation into equilibrium and intact stability of semi-submersible rigs,” 16th Marine Industries Conference(MIC2014), Bandar Abbas, Dec., 2014.

12.   S. M. Mousavi, A. R. Mostafa Gharabaghi, M. H. Sedaaghi, K. Abedi, “Experimental study of the splitter plate´s effect on the two-degree-of-freedom vortex induced vibration of circular cylinder in waves,” 11thInternationalConf. onCoasts,Ports andMarine Structures(ICOPMAS), Tehran, Iran, 2014.

13.   (in Persian) S. M. Mousavi, A. R. Mostafa Gharabaghi, M. H. Sedaaghi, K. Abedi, “Experimental study of vortex induced vibration of pipe due to waves,” 8th National Congress on Civil Eng. (NCCE),Babol, Iran, 2014.

14.   (in Persian) P. Akhoundzadeh, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Palmprint recognition based on oriented gradient histogram using neurofuzzy/neural networks Classifier,” 14th Iranian Conf. onFuzzy System(ICFS2014) , Tabriz, Iran, Aug., 2014.

15.   M. Joroughi, M. Shamsi, H. R. Saberkari, M. H. Sedaaghi, “The hybrid BPSO/BLDA model for gene selection and cancer classification based on microarray data,” 14th Iranian Conf. on Fuzzy System(ICFS2014) , Tabriz, Iran, Aug., 2014.

16.   H. Nosrati, S. M. Taheri, M. Shamsi, and M. H. Sedaaghi, “Adaptive power spectral estimation usingdistributed wireless sensornetworks,” 9th International Symposium on Communication Systems,NetworksandDigital Sign(CSNDSP), Manchester, UK, July 23-25, 2014.

17.   E.Alaie,M.Shamsi,H.Ahmadi,S.Nazem,M.H.Sedaaghi, “Automaticfacial skinsegmentationus­ing possibilistic C-means algorithm for evaluation of facial surgeries,” International Conf. Image Processing, Analysis and Computer Vision(ICIPACV2014), Istanbul, Jun. 19-20, 2014.

18.   E. Alaie, M. Shamsi, H. Mirzaie, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Automatic facial feature extraction and 3D face construction based on orthogonal color images for facial surgery analysis,” The 22nd Iranian Conference onElectricalEngineering(ICEE2014), Tehran, Iran, May 20-22, 2014.

19.   M. Fadaie, M. Shamsi, H. Saberkari, M. H. Sedaaghi, “CT Image De-noising with Block-Matching and 3D Filttering (BM3D) Approach,” The 6th Iranian Conference on E-Health and ICT Application in Medical Science, Tehran, Iran, May 15-16, 2014.

20.   (in Persian) H. Saberkari, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Identification of Exon regions in DNA sequences using a hybrid Anti-notch filter and Goertzel algorithm,” 8th Conference on Machine Vision andImageProcessing(MVIP2013),pp. 257-262,2013.

21.   M. J. Emamgholizadeh, A. R. Mostafa Gharabaghi, K. Abedi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “An experimental study on the effect of splitter plate angle on the VIV behavior of submarine pipeline on an erodible bed under clear water condition”, 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering(OMAE2013), Nantes, France, Jun. 9-14, 2013.

22.   (in Persian) H. Nosrati, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Distributed adaptive power spectral esti­mation using wireless sensor networks”, 21th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2013), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, May 2013.

23.   (in Persian) H. Saberkari, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Identification of protein coding regions in DNA sequences using a combination of adaptive filters and discrete wavelet transform”, 21th IranianConference onElectricalEngineering(ICEE2013),Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad,Iran,May2013(Selectedforpublicationin researchjournal).

24.   (in Persian)H. Saberkari, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, M. Joroughi, “Gene selection and cancer clas­sificationbased on microarraydata using a modified support vector machine(ν-SVM) and selective independent component analysis(SICA)”, 21th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2013),FerdowsiUniversity ofMashhad,Mashhad,Iran,May2013(Selectedforpublication in researchjournal).

25.   P. Ghaderyan, A. Abbasi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Linear features, principal component analysis, and support vector machine for epileptic seizure prediction progress”, 21th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE2013),FerdowsiUniversity ofMashhad,Mashhad,Iran,May2013.

26.   P.Ghaderyan,A.Abbasi,M.H.Sedaaghi, “Providing afeasibleseizurepredictionalgorithmforim­plantable devices”, 5thInternationalConferenceofCognitive Science(ICCS2013), Tehran ,Iran, May 2013.

27.   (in Persian)H. Saberkari, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Comparison of different algorithms in gene selection and cancer classification based on microarray data”, 5th Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, May 28-30, 2013.

28.   (in Persian) A. M. Molaei Kermani, M. H. Sedaaghi, H. Ebrahimnezhad, “Blind steganography based onReed-Muller codes withimproved embeddingpayload and error correction capacity”, 21th IranianConference onElectricalEngineering(ICEE2013), Mashhad, Iran, May, 2013.

29.   (in Persian) A. M. Molaei Kermani, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Fragile 3D model wa­termarking based on geometric properties of triangles maintaining the quantization steps”, 21th IranianConference onElectricalEngineering(ICEE2013), Mashhad, Iran, May, 2013.

30.   (in Persian) H. Saberkari, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, M. Joroughi, “An efficient algorithm for determining the protein coding regions in DNA sequences”, 1st Iranian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran, Mar. 6-8, 2013.

31.   (in Persian)H. Saberkari, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, A. Momennezhad, “Identification of genomic islands in DNA sequences using a non-DSP technique based on the Z-Curve”, 11th Iranian Con­ference on Intelligence Systems (ICIS’2013), Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 27-28, 2013.

32.   (inPersian)H.Saberkari,M.Shamsi,M.H.Sedaaghi,“Promotionof anoptimal algorithmforprotein coding regions identification in DNA sequences using time-frequency filtering based on the Z-curve”, 11thIranianConference onIntelligence Systems(ICIS’2013),KharazmiUniversity, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 27-28, 2013.

33.   (in Persian) M. Joroughi, M. Shamsi, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, H. Saberkari, “Gene selection and microarray data classification using correlation analysis, PSO algorithm and PNN,” 11thIranianConference onIntelligent Systems(ICIS2013), Tehran, Iran, February 2013.

34.   (in Persian)A. M. Molaei Kermani, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Fragile watermarking for 3D models with low distortion and high accuracy localization of suspected to damage regions”, 11th IranianConf. onIntelligentsystems(ICIS2013), Tehran, Iran, Feb. 27-28, 2013.

35.   (in Persian)N. Mostaghim, M. Shamsi, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaghi, “RNA structures align­ment using Hidden Markov Models”, 11thIranianConf. onIntelligent systems(ICIS2013), Tehran, Iran, Feb. 27-28, 2013.

36.   (in Persian) N. M. bakhshayesh, M. shamsi, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Alignment of RNAs Structure Using Hidden Markov Model”, 11th Iranian Conf. on Intelligent systems, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 27-28, 2013.

37.   (in Persian)M. J. Emamgholizadeh, A. R. Mostafa Gharabaghi, K. Abedi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Exper­imental study of the effect ofgap ratio onthe vibrationbehavior of submarinepipelinedueto vortex induced vibrations of steady current over an erodible bed”, 14th Marine Industries Conference, Tehran, Iran, Dec. 26-27, 2012.

38.   (inPersian)H.Saberkari,M.Shamsi,M.H.Sedaaghi,“Predictionof exonlocationingenesusing the combination of DFT and wavelete transform and review the effect of different windows”, National Congress on Electrical, Computer and Information Technology Engineering, Khayyam Higher Education Institite, Mashhad, Iran, Nov. 7-9, 2012.

39.   (in Persian) M. J. Emamgholizadeh, A. R. Mostafa Gharabaghi, K. Abedi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “An Experimental study ofpipelines with twodegree offreedom on the erodiblebed under study current”, 11th Iranian Hydraulics congress on Civil Engineering, Urmia, Iran, Nov. 2012.

40.   (in Persian) M. J. Emamgholizadeh, A. R. Mostafa Gharabaghi, K. Abedi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Ex­perimental study of the effect of degrees of freedom on scour process in submarine pipelines due to steady current”, The 10th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Struc-tures(ICOPMAS 2012), Tehran, Iran, Nov. 19-21, 2012.

41.   A. Gholipour, M. H. Sedaaghi, M. Shamsi, “The contribution of prosody to the identification of Persian regional accents”, 2012 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA 2012), Bandung, Indonesia, pp. 345-349, Sep. 23-26, 2012.

42.   H. Saberkari, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, F. Golabi, “Prediction of protein coding regions in DNA sequences using Macro 3 methods”, 2012 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Ap­plications(ISIEA 2012), Bandung, Indonesia, pp. 354-359, Sep. 23-26, 2012.

43.   M. Farhid, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Classification of Persian accent speeches using histogram of pitch con­tour”, 1st. InternationalConferenceofPersian languageProcessing(ICPLP2012), Sem­nan, Iran, Sep. 5-6, 2012.

44.   S. Karimi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Best Features for Emotional Speech Classification in the Presence of Babble Noise”, 20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2012), Tehran, Iran, ISBN: 978-1-4673-1149-6, DOI: 10.1109/IranianCEE.2012.6292507, pp. 1047-1051, May 2012.

45.   (in Persian) A. Gholipour, M. H. Sedaaghi, M. Shamsi, “A Classifier Combination Approach for FarsiAccentsRecognition”, 20thIranianConference onElectricalEngineering(ICEE2012), Tehran, Iran, May 2012.

46.   G. Moradi, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, S. Moradi, “Apple defect detection using statistical his­togram based fuzzyC-means algorithm”, 7th Iranian Conference on machine Vision & Image Processing(MVIP01), Nov. 2011.

47.   (in Persian)G. Moradi, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, S. Moradi, “Segmentation of pomegranate MR images using improved EM algorithm”, 7th Iranian Conference on machine Vision & Image Processing(MVIP01), Nov. 2011.

48.   (in Persian) G. Moradi, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, M. R. Alsharif, “MR image based analysis of pomegranate internal structures”, The 2011 International Fuzzy Conference, Zahedan, Iran, Jul. 2011.

49.   (in Persian)A. Mohammadi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “A robust algorithm in watermarking based on pixels difference in each block”, 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2011), Tehran, Iran, May 2011.

50.   G. Moradi, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, S. Moradi, M. R. Alsharif, “Apple defect detection using statisticalhistogrambasedEM algorithm”, 19thIranianConference on ElectricalEngineering (ICEE2011), Tehran, Iran, May 2011.

51.   G.Moradi,M.Shamsi,M.H.Sedaaghi,M.R.Alsharif,“Fruitdefectdetectionfromcolorimagesusing ACM and MFCM algorithms”, The 2011 International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications(ICEDSA2011), Kualalumpur, Malaysia, Apr. 2011.

52.   G. Moradi, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, M. R. Alsharif, “Segmentation of pomegranate MR images using spatialfuzzy c-means(SFCM) algorithm”, 2010InternationalConf. onGraphic&Image Processing(ICGIP 2010), Manila, Philippines, Dec. 2010.

53.   G. Moradi, M. Shamsi, M. H. Sedaaghi, M. R. Alsharif, “Pomegranate MR images analysis using ACM and FCM algorithms”, 2010 International Conf. on Graphic & Image Processing (ICGIP 2010), Manila, Philippines, Dec. 2010.

54.   S.Shamekhi,M.H.Sedaaghi, “QRSdetectionbased onmatchingpursuitalgorithm”, 17th Iranian Conference onBiomedicalEngineering(ICBME2010), Nov. 2010.

55.   (in Persian) A. Mohammadi, Z. Gholizadeh, G. Moradi, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Reversible message hid­ing based on histogram peak point”, 6th Iranian Conference on machine Vision & Image Processing(MVIP01), Oct. 2010.

56.   (in Persian) H. Soleymani, H. Ebrahimnezhad, M. H. Sedaaghi, “A model-based object detection using SVMs with Hidden Variables”, 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2010), May 2010.

57.   M. Emambakhsh, M. H. Sedaaghi, H. Ebrahimnezhad, “A hybrid top-down/bottom-up approach for image segmentation incorporating colour and texture with prior shape knowledge”, 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2010), pp. 270-275, IEEE, Isfahan, Iran, May 2010.

58.   M. Emambakhsh, M. H. Sedaaghi, H. Ebrahimnezhad, “Locating texture boundaries using a fast unsupervised approach based on clustering algorithms fusion and level set”, IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 18-19, 2009.

59.   M. Emambakhsh, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Automatic MRI brain segmentation using local features, self-organizing maps, and watershed”, IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Pro­cessing Applications , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 18-19, 2009.

60.   R.Kheirolahy,H.Ebrahimnezhad,M.H.Sedaaghi, “RobustPupilBoundaryDetectionbyOptimized Color Mapping for Iris Recognition”, IEEE 14th International CSI Computer Conference (CSICC’09), pp. 170-175 , Tehran, Oct. 2009.

61.   (in Persian) N. rabbani, M. H. sedaaghi, “A new approach to reduce the training time in speaker recognition using SVM”, 16th.IranianConference onElectricalEngineering(ICEE2008), May 2008.

62.   M. Khosravy, M. R. Asharif and M. H. Sedaaghi, “Medical image noise suppression using mediated morphology”, IEICE Tech. Rep., vol. 107, no. 461, MI2007-111, pp. 265-270, Okinawa , Japan, Jan. 2008.

63.   M.Khosravy,M.R.AsharifandM.H.Sedaaghi, “MorphologicalAdult andFetalECGpreprocessing employing mediated morphology”, IEICETech. Rep., vol. 107, no. 461, MI2007-129, pp. 363-369, Bunka, Tenbusu, Okinawa, Japan , Jan. 2008.

64.   M. H. Sedaaghi, C. Kotropoulos, D. Ververidis, “Using adaptive Genetic Algorithms to improve speech emotion recognition”, IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Process­ing, Crete, Greece, October 1-3, 2007.

65.   M.H.Sedaaghi,C.Kotropoulos,D.Ververidis, “Improving speech emotionrecognitionusing adaptive Genetic Algorithms”, Proceedings of the 15th European signal processing , Pozna´n, Poland, pp. 2209-2213, Sep. 3-7, 2007.

66.   A. R. Dastkhosh, G. Dadashzadeh, F. Geran Kharaakhili, M. H. Sedaaghi, “A novel ultra-wide stop-band tapered microstrip filter using an adaptive Genetic Algorithm”, Proceedings of Antennas and propagation International Symposium, Hawaii, USA, pp. 1577-1580, Jun. 5-19 ,2007.

67.   (in Persian) A. R. Dastkhosh, M. H. sedaaghi, G. Dadashzadeh, F. Geran Kharaakhili, “Optimiz­ing microstrip filter with variable width using DGS”, 15th. Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE2007), May 2007.

68.   N. Rabbani, M.H. Sedaaghi, “Novel approach in speaker identification using support vector ma­chines”, International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, Sharjah, UnitedArabEmirates(U.A.E.),Feb. 12-15,2007.

69.   S. Yousefi, M. H. Sedaaghi, G. Karami, “Applications of complete residue set in digital image water­marking”, Proceedings of the 7th. IASTED International Conference, Signal and Image Processing, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 423-427, Aug. 15-17, 2005.

70.   M. H. Sedaaghi, “An efficient ECG background normalization”, Proceedings of the 13th Euro­pean signal processing , Antalya, Turkey, Sep. 4-8, 2005.

71.   M. Shamsi, Caro Lucas, M. H. Sedaaghi, “Automatic Parameter Estimation of Brain MR Images”, 13th. IranianConference onElectricalEngineering(ICEE2007), Zandjan, May 2005.

72.   M.H.Sedaaghi, “Adaptiveweighted mediated morphologicalfiltersversusnon-adaptiveones”, 12th Iranian Conference on Electrical Eng. (ICEE-2004), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mash-had, Iran, pp. 219-224, May 11-13, 2004.

73.   M. H. Sedaaghi, M. Khosravi, “Morphological ECG signal preprocessing with more efficient base­line drift removal”, Proceedings of the 7th. IASTED International Conference, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Banff, Canada, pp. 205-209, Jul. 14-16, 2003.

74.      M. H. Sedaaghi, “Adapted morphological filtering”, Proceedings of the 7th. IASTED Interna­tional Conference, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Banff, Canada, pp. 194-198, Jul. 14-16, 2003.

75.      M.H.Sedaaghi, “Weighted mediated morphological filtersforECGpreprocessing”, Proceedings of the 7th. IASTED International Conference, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Banff, Canada, pp. 81-86, Jul. 14-16 , 2003.

76.      M. H. Sedaaghi, E. Ajami, “Neural network-based adaptive ECG denoising”, Proceedings of the 7th. IASTED International Conference, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Banff, Canada, pp. 6-10, Jul. 14-16 , 2003.

77.      M.H.Sedaaghi,E.Ajami, “Adaptivecolorimagedenoising using neural networks”, Proceedings of the 7th. IASTED International Conference, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Banff, Canada, pp. 1-5, Jul. 14-16 , 2003.

 78.      M. H. Sedaaghi, “Genetic Algorithms for morphological filtering”, Proceedings of the 22nd. IASTED International Conference, Modeling, Identification, and Control, IASTED,Inns­bruck, Austria, pp. 318-323, Jul. 14-16 , 2003.

79.      M. H. Sedaaghi, R. Daj, M. Khosravi, “Mediated morphological filters”, ICIP2001, 2001 Interna­tional Conference on Image Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Thessaloniki, Greece, vol. III, pp. 692-695, Oct. 7-10, 2001

80.      M.H.Sedaaghi,Q.H.Wu, “Morphologicalfiltering and convolution”, UKACC’98(United King­dom Automatic Control Council) International Conference on CONTROL, University of Wales, Swansea, UK, pp. 235-240, Swansea, UK, Sep. 1-4, 1998

81.      M. H. Sedaaghi, Q. H. Wu, “Hardware for grey-scale morphological filtering”, CISST’98: The Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology, pp. 389-395, CSREA Press, Las Vegas, USA, Jul. 6-9, 1998.

82.      M. H. Sedaaghi, Q. H. Wu, “A reliable hardware for grey-scale morphological filtering”, Proceed­ings of First International Symposium on Communication Systems and Digital Signal Processing, pp. 147-150, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, Apr. 6-8, 1998.

83.      M. H. Sedaaghi, Q. H. Wu, “The power of morphological filters alone and when combined with linear filtering”, ISMM’98: International Symposium On Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing IV, Kluwer, Computational Imaging and Vision, pp. 375-381, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jun. 3-5, 1998.

84. M. H. Sedaaghi and Q. H. Wu, “Application of morphological filtering in fingerprint processing”, Proceedings of the 3rd international Annual Computer Conference of the Computer Society of Iran (CSICC’97), pp. 31-36, Iran Univ. of Science and Tech., Tehran, Iran, Dec. 23-25, 1997.

85. M.H.Sedaaghi andQ.H.Wu, “Adirecttechniqueformorphologicalfilters”, 5th Iranian Confer­ence on Electrical Eng. (ICEE-97),SharifUniversity ofTechnology, Tehran,Iran,pp. 7.80-7.85, May 1997.

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